Hi there!
If you have taken the time to suffer through my About Me page, you'll know that beginning this blog is a way for me to stay accountable to making positive healthy changes. Well, I bought myself a Christmas present, and it was Focus T-25, a workout regimen created by Shaun T (the creator of Insanity). Please note that Beachbody does not pay me to plug their product, and neither does Dr. Joel Fuhrman for that matter. Any opinions that I give are 100% unbiased and purely how I, an average consumer, feel about it the product. There ain't none of this:
I have a LOT of exercise DVDs. A whole library, really. I have Brazilian Butt Lift, Insanity, P90x, The Firm, various Jillian Michaels workouts, Jackie Warner workouts, Zumba, and others. My mom and I often do them together, especially because it's WAY too cold to go for our long walks. So, I decided to try give this one a try, because a 25 minute workout appeals to me:
Focus T-25 is a 5 day a week, 5 week program, totaling 25 workouts. It comes with an alpha cycle, and a beta cycle. Each are 25 days of workouts. The big selling point is that you are supposed to get the same results with this program doing 25 minute workouts as you would doing hour long workouts. It's pretty hard to make excuses for skipping workouts if it's only 25 minutes long. But how hard can a 25 minute workout really be?
Well, I completed workout number 1 (aptly entitled "Cardio") in the Alpha cycle last night, and I can tell you that I was challenged. Granted, I haven't done cardio in weeks, and I'm feeling generally soft everywhere, but it was difficult enough that I needed to take my rescue inhaler. AND I did some of the modified, lower impact movements, which was kind of embarrassing. I guess no more embarrassing than needing my inhaler after the workout. Sometimes I felt a little like this:
But at least it wasn't dance-y, because I could never follow something like this:
Even though I was a little disappointed that I was riding the struggle bus for all 25 minutes, I finished and I got a damn good workout in only 25 minutes, which is what it advertises! And we all start somewhere; it's all about improvement, right? I'll be post my progress as I go and we'll see if T-25 delivers!