Dr. Fuhrman Guidelines

Following these guidelines is how my mom and I were so successful in the first 8 weeks of our nutritarian challenge. I blame winter and my penchant for boredom for not sticking to these guideline enough.

GOMBS: Greens, Onions, Mushrooms, Beans and Berries, Seeds

-Clicking on that link will take you to a nice explanation for why these ingredients are important enough that you should be keeping them in mind with every salad you make. To give a quick synopsis, these are the foods that include cancer fighting properties. The fat in seeds helps the body absorb the nutrients in the previous four letters efficiently. REMEMBER: Seeds (and nuts) are NOT to be consumed as if they are going out of style. Keep it to 1 oz a day, and you'll have no problem losing weight.

THE SALAD IS THE MAIN DISH - This is something that I need to get back to, and it has been admittedly difficult because this winter has just been SO COLD. And when it's cold like this, I just want to eat warm things. However, aiming to get 1 lb of raw vegetables is really important. When Deb and I started back in June, I struggled like you wouldn't believe to eat that much food. You are definitely not hungry at all when eating this way. It can take some getting used to, but you really learn how to taste food. Also, you should try to get 1 lb of cooked veggies a day.

Aim for at least 1 cup of beans per day:
I find that if I forget my beans, I'm significantly hungrier. They have fiber and some protein and will add a richness to your meal that you'll find leaves you very satisfied.

Aim for at least 4 fruits a day: Unlike many diets that recommend that you limit your fruits, this one does no such thing. I like to split my fruit between breakfast smoothies and my after-dinner dessert. Or even toss 'em in a salad!

My mom and I saw great results through doing this and walking for a minimum of an hour per day. That's not MANDATORY...you will still lose weight if you sit on your rear end. But exercise is good for you, even if you can only fit it in for 10 minutes here or there.

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