Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Focus T-25 Week 1 COMPLETE!

Well everyone, I am pleased to say that I got to check off the last box of the week on my Focus T-25 calendar!

And today is....dun dun dun STAT DAY! The program is supposed to start on Monday and Saturday is meant to be Stat day. They cleverly dub it "STATurday". However, I beat to my own drum and received my T25 package on a Thursday and was too impatient to wait until Monday to start. Who says you have to start a new workout regimen on a Monday anyway? I do what I want!

So the first thing I did this morning upon falling out of bed was step on the dreaded scale. I look at weight as one of many tools one can use to track progress. I began the program at 133.4 lbs. And even though I try not to worry TOO MUCH about the scale, I was still pretty disappointed in myself from nearly putting myself back where I started pre-Fuhrman back in July. However, there's nothing that can be done but to move forward and do better. So after 6 days of 25 minute workouts and following Eat to Live, my scale read 132.4 lbs this morning. I also foolishly did not take my measurements last week before I started, so I'm posting them now.

Waist: 26.5"
Thighs: 23.5"
Hips: 40"
Arms: 11"

Holy HIPS batman! Based on my measurements, that's where I would most like to slim down.

dat ass

Of course it would have been nice to lose more weight, but I'm sure that I'm getting stronger with those workouts, it's not pure cardio, and and muscle must be taken into account. All the same, progress is progress! 1 lb a week is a pretty good goal, as long as the direction I'm going is DOWN a pound rather than UP.

So how do I feel about my workouts? I feel like I struggled through this first week on some of the workouts. I feel so weak! There are times where I can't make it through the whole cycle without stopping for water or following the modifier. But I push through, because I know I'll be better the next time around for it. I really look forward to getting stronger with every workout.

Stay tuned for next week's update!

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